Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2001]
Origins: The first set of instructions is a gimmick which has been known for years: Typing the letters NYC using the Webdings font in Microsoft Word (or similar application) produces, as shown below, an image of an eye, a heart, and a city skyline, which some people read as "I love New York" (although the last image could really be any big city skyline). Switching to the WingDings font produces an image of a skull and crossbones, a Star of David, and a thumbs-up symbol, read by some conspiracy-minded folks as a symbolic approval of the killing of Jews.

The coincidental arrangment of these symbols (and an accompanying conspiracy theory) was noted as far back as 1992 in a New York Post article:
Here is Microsoft's official statement on the issue:
Penn Jillette (of Penn & Teller fame) also drafted a humorous essay on this phenomenon back in 1992.
The last "coincidence" is strictly a manufactured one.
Although typing the characters "Q33NY" using the Wingdings
font does produce the string of images shown below (an
airplane, two pieces of paper that sort of resemble buildings,
a skull and crossbones, and a Star of David), there was no
flight "Q33NY" involved in the terrorist attack on New York
City (the two flights who planes were crashed into the
building were American Airlines

The numerous suggestions about what 'Q33' really does refer to (everything from a New York bus route to a verse from the Quran) merely highlight how easy it is to find significance in anything, meaningful or not.