Home>>Judy Garland>>I Was Born In Michigan

I Was Born In Michigan

I was born in Michigan,
and I wish and wish again
that I was back in the town where I was born.
Theres a farm in Michigan,
and I'd like to fish again,
in the river that flows beside the field of waving corn.
A lonesome soul am I...here's the reason why.
I want to go back, I want to go back, .
I want to go back to the farm..
Far away from harm, with a milk pail on my arm. .
I miss the rooster, the one that use-ter wake me up at 4am..
I think your great big cities very pretty...nevertheless
I want to be there, .
I want to see there a certain soemone full of charm. .
That's why I wish again that I was in Michigan, down on the farm.
I want to go back, I want to go back,
I want to go back to that old farm.
Far away from harm, with a milk pail on my arm.
I miss the rooster, the rooster that use-ter wake me up at 4am.
I think your great big cities very pretty...nevertheless
I want to be there,
I want to see there a certain someone full of charm.
Thats why I wish again,
that I was in Michigan, down on the farm.

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