AMS - Solutions  


TOP Introduction

Created for today's interactive TV applications, the ANTARA Multimedia ADSL Solution is the product of the rapidly merging multimedia (VOD, nVOD) and Web (Internet, Intranet) markets. Our solution was designed to deliver interactive multimedia services including Fast Internet Access and Video On demand. For that, we provide servers dedicated for multimedia services and specially real time acquisition, storage and delivery tools of high quality video and audio streams in digital (MPEG) formats over ADSL Telco networks. Its innovative architecture makes it ideal for all Telecom Operators who want to increase services (and revenue) by optimizing their ADSL local loop and backbone network infrastructure. For that, our solution meets the most demanding standards, and offers the market's best price/performance ratio.

TOP Applications

The AMS solution, including servers and set top boxes, is specially optimized in order to satisfy a wide range of interactive TV services :

Analog and Digital Live TV/radio multicast over the network,
Video and music On demand (VOD/MOD)
Delayed Live TV and radio (for late businessmen),
Local Channel insertion (Advertising..)
Fast Internet Access and dedicated Telecom Operators portals (advertising),
Corporate video training

AMS is a complete solution for providing high-end interactive services to the residential or corporate customers of Telecom operators and interface their own global network management tools for :

Billing and copyright Management,
integration of WEB access and providers (ISP)

TOP Graphics

Interactive TV and multimedia services over ADSL

TOP Advantages

Unified & Open Network Interface (ATM/Ethernet) compliant with several ADSL network equipment provider from DSLAM to modem (CS telecom, ALCATEL, Orckit, westell, 3COM…)
Compliance with major provider of high bandwidth and IP network backbone equipment (CISCO, FORE…) ,
Complete IP/INTRANET application based on internet technologies and providing an Easy to change Customer interface and interface to main Customer Care Management software ,
Open User's package (Set Top Box or PC solution) supporting many kind of TV set Interface and with universal remote and IR keyboard >
Easy to scale and to maintain architecture in term of number and dimension of multimedia and especially video services (number of TV channels, VOD movies….)
Large movies catalogue from major entertainment companies,
Full Digital Quality on Interactive TV,
Increase the guest satisfaction and consumption,
Increase the Operator reputation and revenues,
Cost effective Investment,
Global Turn Key Solution using CS group know-how and local integrators for global engineering .

High Performance Architecture

The AMS solution are based on our own multimedia servers and software applications using standard and innovative design. This architecture makes the AMS solutions extremely modular and expandable while permitting the connection to standard high bandwidth networks. AMS offers total flexibility for configuration evolution and guarantees a perfect adaptation to current and future needs, while preserving initial investments.

Our Multimedia servers
Real Time Video/Audio MPEG Acquisition and broadcast (multicast) server
Video/Music On demand server
Application Server including software tools and SGBD for user's and multimedia services management and with interface to major Telco Customer Care Management software (GIRAFE, …)
Content management tools (for the billing and copy-right)
Secured Integration
All servers and storage peripherals or communication modules are integrated into the 19" standard cabinet, carefully researched and with SNMP administration tools in order to facilitate the maintenance, availability and upgrade of the AMS solution.

Residential User Equipment
Use of Standard TV Set,
Set Top Box with or without ADSL modem integration,
Eventually PC (98, 2000 or NT) with or without TV output using Ethernet interface on ADSL router modem
Universal remote and I/R Keyboard

Residential services Interface
Intuitive and Easy to Use ('TV like' by remote),
WEB construction of interface (Browser inside the Set Top Box or the PC is required),
WEB Pages (Easy to Update, Easy to Customize, Easy to Manage)